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Monocal, 1961



  • 1961



From the Collection: 25 boxes

Language of Materials


Seniors: John Adams; Roberta Affleck; Charles Alessio; Elizabeth Altenhof; George Anchak; Louis Anstandig; J. Blaine Antonelli; Constance Arcuri; John Balas; Charles Barcelona; Patricia Bartus; Vivien Baughman; Constance Bell; Thomas Bender; Barbara Berardino; Audrey Bercosky; William Bernazzoli; Mary J. Biddle; Paul Bortner; Paul Boston; Rodney Bowen; Thomas Bowen; Robert Brake; Richard Burley; James Burrows; Anthony Calabro; Jean Calvaresi; Audrey Capozza; Larry Carmichael; Edward Carpenter; Jerome Cederlof; Wlter Cesaretti; Richard Chacko; William Charleton; Joseph Chilia; Nancy Christopher; Evan Cindrich; Anthony Cirilli; E. Jane Coatsworth; William Coleman; Marie Colvin; Carol Conley; Deanne Cosner; Austin Cratty; Sandra Czambel; Lea Danielle; Louis Dayich; Vincent D'Antonio; Daniel DeFigio; Jack DeHoog; Jean Delare; Donna DeSantis; Barbara DiLuzio; Sonja Dobich; Marilyn Duff; Sandra Dunn; Joseph Dusha; Joseph Estock; G. James Faust; Judith Fields; Frank Findura; Caroline Foor; Michael Franchak; Lois Fretter; E. Richard Frost; John Fulmer; Willis Gardner; Robert Goessler; Thomas Gomery; Gary Gregg; William Gregg; Ronald Grigoletto; Vincent Grlovich; Rita Gruessner; Robert Hahne; Beverly Hall; Gwendolyn Hamilton; Harriette Hickle; Roy Horne; Catherine Husk; James Husk; W. Roger Hough; James Johnson; Joanne Journic; J. Roger Kardash; Leonard Keller; Keith Kerry; David Kimmel; Allan Kinder; Harry King; Andy Kitko; Kathleen Klein; Patricia Komacek; Rita Komanecky; Stephen Komazec; Robert Komm; Walter Konjolka; Frank Kozdras; Michael Kozloff; Mary D. Kuhns; Stanley Kukula; Richard Labuda; Carl Lander; Charles Larson; Barbara Laschen; Alexander Lese; David Levine; Robert Lewis; Clark Lingrin; Phyllis Logan; Loretta Lorenzo; Larry Loughner; George Loukas; George Lovich; Mary J. McGuire; Joseph McKenna; Frances McManus; Leland McNutt; James Madorma; Marilyn Maraney; Thomas Messner; Vincent Miken; Kent Miller; Janice Mize; Richard Moody; John Morgan; Phyllis Morgan; William Morgan; Madelyn Munk; Joan Namie; Rosemarie Nicolette; Lucia Olesnevich; Armand Olivieri; Ann Olujvic; Martha Pepper; Barbara Peta; Stanley Phillips; Wilma Phillips; Carol Proctor; Thomas Pruzak; James Raisbeck; Noel Ralston; Mary K. Ramage; Lillian Razum; Robert Rheel; Katherine Rhodes; Patricia Rice; Kenneth Richardson; Gregory Richter; Eileen Roadman; Rose M. Rogers; Joanne Romano; Kathleen Romasky; Daniel Rowe; Barbara Rumora; Warren Saunders; Eleanor Schrock; Raymond Scopel; Roger Sealy; Paul Serafin; Harry Shaposka; Barbara Sherbondy; Richard Silvis; Patricia Simon; Francis Sinko; Donald Skupinsky; Ray Slack; Roy Slack; Bernard Smeloski; Larry Smith; Sandra Smith; Patricia Snoddy; Margene Spino; Charles Springer; Eileen Stablen; Lynn Stablen; Ulla Stadin; Shirley Staley; Jane Starkey; Frank Strojan; Robert Stroup; Linda Susano; Thomas Sutty; Hugh Swogger; Connie Taylor; Janet Taylor; Fred Teacher; Fred Timashenka; Marie Tippett; John Tomiczek; William Truax; Darrell Uphold; Dorothy Utzman; Gloria Vagnoni; Norman Visca; Alfred Vlrich; Mary A. Volpe; Geraldine Walch; Dee Wallace; Barbara Werlwas; Francis West; Barry Whaley; Larry Whaley; John White; Robert White; Linda Wilkerson; Charles Wyncoop; Edward Yakubco; Ralph Zarlino; Ceil Zoretich;

Administration: Dr. Michael Duda; Dr. Shriver L. Coover; Mr. Merle O. Covell; Mrs. Lela T. Hamilton; Dr. Harold E. Kemper; Miss Isabella R. King; Mr. Frank Lenox; Dr. Frank M. Naylor; Dr. Stephen E. Pavlak; Dr. George H. Roadman; Dr. Irvin J. Shutsy; Dr. K. Fife Sterrett; Mr. John R. Swearingen; Mr. Paul N. Walker; Mr. Allen G. Welsh; Dr. Malverne R. Wofle

Faculty: Mrs. Lottie Alto; Mr. Roy F. Anderson; Dr. Asa H. Anderson; Mr. Frederick; Miss Nellie R. Balliker;Dr. Sydney C. Bausor; Dr. Gabriel Betz; Dr. O. Ray Bontrager; Mr. William A. Boram; Mr. Richard M. Birch; Mr. J. Herschel Bowlen; Mr. Edward F. Cassidy; Mr. Ralph F. Charney; Dr. Merrill G. Campbell; Mr. Leonard Colelli; Dr. Arthur M. Coon; Mr. Merle O. Covell; Mrs. Cora B. Coover; Mr. Robert J. Craig; Dr. Shriver L. Coover;Dr. Leslie E. Crowley; Miss Rose M. Dalaidi; Mrs. Mary R. DeCarlo; Miss Alberta R. Dorsey; Mr. Angus H. Douple; Mr. William L. Dovenspike; Mrs. Ruth Emler; Mr. J. Calvin Fleming; Miss Pauline H. Glod; Mr. Andy E. Fabian; Mrs. Helen Godfrey; Dr. Albert B. Halley; Mrs. Leta T. Hamilton; Dr. George S. Hart; Mr. Clyde M. Hartman; Dr. Arthur Henry; Mr. Francis J. Herron; Mr. Donald E. Hepler; Mr. William D. Hepner; Mr. Eugene J. Hester; Miss Louise Hildreth; Mrs. Merrell Holman; Mr. Aaron J. Hoover; Dr. Robert Housman; Dr. Jack F. Hoyes; Mrs. Rose G. Hughes; Dr. Harold C. Jones; Mr. C. Mart Hughey; Dr. John W. Kellep; Dr. Phil R. Jack; Miss Norma Langham; Dr. Harold E. Kemper; Mr. Edgar L. Lawton; Miss Isabella R. King; Mr. Gaston Lebois; Mr. Frank Lenox; Mr. Lambert McCloskey; Mr. John F. Lewis; Mr. John McCrory; Miss Virginia E. Luckhardt; Dr. Wilbur R. Marisa; Mr. Lawrence H. Maddock; Mrs. Ada K. Marsh; Dr. Minor W. Major; Mr. Schuyler Marshall; Mr. Harry L. Monroe; Dr.Frank M. Naylor; Mr. Theodore J. Nemeth; Mr. Alex Newell; Mr. George Novak; Miss Mary C. O'Brein; Dr. Stephen E. Pavlak; Dr. George H. Roadman; Mr. James S. Porter; Mr. Jarl Roine; Mr. Paul A. Prince; Mr. Paul E. Ross; Dr. Michael F. Serene; Miss G. Eleanor Rowe; Dr. Irvin J. Shutsy; Mr. Andrew Sepsi; Dr. Harry Smith; Dr. Leonard J. Seigel; Mr. Alexander R. Smoyer; Mr. Edward J. Sikora; Mr. Hubert E. Snyder; Mr. Donald G. Sofchalk; Mr. John R. Swearingen; Mr. Anthony T. Stavaski; Mr. Paul N. Walker; Dr. K. Fife Sterrett; Mr. John Watkins; Miss Eizabeth Weist; Mrs Marian H. Weaver; Mr. Allen G. Welsh; Dr. Malcom Wilder; Dr. Malverne R. Wolfe; Mr. George L. Williams; Mr. George Zemo; John Downey; Mrs. Linnea Eckel; Mrs. Henrietta Wood; Mr. Paul Wickerham; Mr. T. Leland Moore; Miss Dorothy Valla; Mrs. Lorraine Musser; Miss Katherine Burger; Mr. John Cumashot;

Repository Details

Part of the PennWest-California University Archives Repository

Louis L. Manderino Library
250 University Avenue